Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School Verified

About the provider


Our Kaupapa (Mission Statement) is: Opening up the future and potential of performance practice.

We are a bicultural organisation and the following values form our foundation.


Wairua: Spirit. Innovation. Inspiration. Artistry. Research and Development.

Kawa Whakaruruhau: Protecting. Creating cultural safety and supporting individual differences.. Growing individual agency.

Aroha: Love and sharing. Connecting up the performing arts community. Growing sustainability and wellness in our industry and community.

Manaakitanga: Caring and welcoming. Holding mana - our history of prestige, excellence. Maintaining and enhancing our integrity. Growing and nurturing the industry in relationship to growing our students.


  • NZ Diploma in Scenic Construction & Properties (Set & Props)
  • NZ Diploma in Costume Construction
  • Bachelor of Performing Arts (Management)
  • Bachelor of Performing Arts (Acting)
  • Bachelor of Design (Stage & Screen)



Te Whaea: National Dance and Drama Centre

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